Mark Infants as Developmentally Ready for Solid Foods

The day an infant becomes developmentally ready for solid foods, it should be entered into KidKare in order to ensure the infant is fed the proper components based on the USDA meal pattern.  

To update an infant to developmentally ready for solid foods:

  1. From the menu to the left, select Children and then List Children.
  2. Click on the infant that is to be updated to developmentally ready for solid foods. 
  3. In the bottom half of the screen, click on the Allergies/Conditions tab.
  4. Click the orange  button to edit the fields in this tab.
  5. Enter the date the infant starts eating solid foods in the Developmentally Ready For Solid Foods date field.
  6. Click Save.

Mark Infant as Developmentally Ready for Solid Foods During Enrollment

The Developmentally Ready For Solid Foods date can also be entered when enrolling new infants.

When enrolling new infants, this date can be found on the first enrollment screen under the Special section as shown in the image below. 

If an infant is being enrolled and is already eating solid foods, enter the date their guardian said they started eating solid foods.  If this date is unknown, enter the infants enrollment date in its place.

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