Upload Participant Photos

You can upload participant photos for a quick and easy way to locate a participant. You can upload existing photos, or, if you are using a capable device, you can take new photos.

Uploading Existing Photos

  1. From the menu to the left, click Home.
  2. Click My Participants.
    Note: According to your display settings, this option may be called something else, such as My Kids. For more information, see Set Display Settings.
  3. Click  under the participant for whom to add a photo.

  4. Click Choose.
  5. Browse to the location where the photo is stored and click Open.
  6. Click  to save your changes.

Taking New Photos on a Mobile Device

To upload new photos from a mobile device:

  1. From the menu to the left, tap Home.
  2. Tap My Participants.
  3. Tap  under the participant for whom to add a photo.
  4. Tap Choose.
  5. Tap Take New Photo
  6. Take the participant's photo.
  7. Tap Use Photo.
  8. Tap  to save your changes.

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M-F   9AM - 5PM CT