Error Codes 1-33

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Error Codes in This Article

Error 1

Center License is Missing

The center does not have a license on-file in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule tab.

Error 2

Meals Were Claimed on Dates that Fall Before this Center's CACFP Original Start Date (Or Date is Missing)

The center claimed meals on a date that is before the date entered in the Original Start Date box in the Manage Center Information General tab, or this box is blank.

Error 3

Meal Claimed Before Center's CACFP Allowed Start Date

The center claimed a meal before the date entered in the Allowed Start Date box in the Manage Center Information General tab. Policy C.4 controls whether Minute Menu CX checks this date and whether the meal is disallowed or warned.

Error 4

Meal Claimed Before Center's CACFP Current Start Date

The center claimed a meal before the date entered in the Current Start Date box in the Manage Center Information General tab. Policy C.5 controls whether Minute Menu CX checks this date and whether the meal is disallowed or warned.

Error 5

Meals Were Claimed on Dates that Fell After This Center's Current End Date

The center claimed a meal after the date entered in the Current End Date box in the Manage Center Information General tab. Policy C.6 controls whether Minute Menu CX checks this date and whether the meal is disallowed or warned.

Error 6

Meals Were Claimed on Dates that Fall Before This Center's License Start Date

The center claimed a meal before the date entered in the License Start Date box in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule tab. Any meals claimed before this date are always disallowed, unless you do not enter a date in the License Start Date box.

Error 7

Meals Were Claimed on Dates that Fall After This Center's License End Date

The center claimed a meal after the date entered in the License End Date box in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule tab. Policy C.3 controls whether Minute Menu CX checks this date and whether meals or disallowed, warned, or warned for several months before being disallowed.

Error 8

Meals Were Claimed on Dates that Fall After the Center's Removal/Withdrawal Date

The center claimed a meal after the date entered in the Withdrawal Date box when you withdrew them from your agency. Meals claimed after this date are automatically disallowed.

Error 10

Meals Claimed on Dates After Center's Fire Inspection Certification Expired

The center claimed a meal after the date entered in the Fire box in the Manage Center Information General tab. This error is also generated if you checked the Fire box and did not provide an expiration date.

Error 11

Meals Claimed on Dates After Center's Health Inspection Certification Expired

The center claimed a meal after the date entered in the Health box in the Manage Center Information General tab. This error is also generated if you checked the Health box and did no provide an expiration date.

Error 12

Meals Claimed on Dates After Center's Sanitation Inspection Certification Expired

The center claimed a meal after the date entered in the Sanitation box in the Manage Center Information General tab. This error is also generated if you checked the Sanitation box and did not provide a date.

Error 13

Center is not Approved to Serve Meals on a Day of the Week When Meals Were Served

The center claimed a meal for a day of the week for which they are not approved, according to your selections in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule window. Policy C.1 controls whether these meals are warned or disallowed.

Error 14

Center is not Approved to Offer a Particular Meal that was Served

The center claimed a meal for which they are not approved, according to your selections in the Manage Center Information License/Schedule window. Policy C.2 controls whether these meals are warned or disallowed.

Error 15

A Menu was Recorded, but no Children were Recorded in Attendance

This error is generated as a warning message when menus are planned, but no meal counts are marked for the planned menus.

Note: This error also displays on the Center Error report, even though it is only a warning. This is to highlight any potential data entry errors for the center. For example, they may have forgot to record attendance.

Error 16

No Foods Were Served but Child(ren) Were in Attendance for the Given Meal(s) for the Listed Age Group

This error disallows children when menus are recorded, assuming that menu edit checks are not skipped per Policy M.02. Menus must be recorded specific to the child's age group, so the disallowance may apply to one age group and not others.

Error 17

The Food Cannot be Served to Children of Given Age

This error disallows meals with bad foods recorded, assuming menu edit checks are not skipped per Policy M.02. In most cases, unapproved foods cannot be selected when setting up menus, but if a food was previously approved and then changed to unapproved, those menus can theoretically get reused, and the meal would receive this error. 

For more information about managing foods, see Food Tool.

Error 18

The Food is Not Recommended for Children of Given Age

This warning is generated if a center serves a food that is allowed but is set to Warn, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02. For more information about managing foods, see Food Tool.

Error 19

The Food Cannot be Served to Children of that Age Group at the Given Meal Type

This error is generated when a center serves a food at a meal for which the food is not approved, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02. For example, if a center serves potatoes at Breakfast, but potatoes are not approved for Breakfast, this error displays on the OER. In most cases, centers cannot select foods at meals for which they aren't approved, but if a food was previously approved and then changed to unapproved, those meals can be reused, and this error would display.

For more information about managing foods, see Food Tool.

Error 20

The Food is Not Approved as Given Meal Component Type at Non-Infant Meal

This error is generated when a food is marked but is not approved, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02. In most cases, centers cannot select unapproved foods when setting up menus, but if a food was previously approved and then changed to unapproved, those menus can theoretically get reused and the meal would receive this error.

For more information about managing foods, see Food Tool.

Error 21

A Meal Component was Missing from the Non-Infant Meal

This error is generated when Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner is missing one or more components, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02.

Error 22

At Least Two Valid Foods Must be Served at Snacks

This error is generated when a snack does not have at least two valid components, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02.

Error 23

Snacks Cannot Include only Milk and Juice, Another Food Must be Present

This error is generated when a snack only has a milk and a juice, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02.

Error 24

The Same Food was Served Twice in the Same Meal

This error is generated if a center serves the same item twice in one meal, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02. This is common when serving the same fruit/vegetable item twice, or when serving something like baked beans as a meat and as a fruit/vegetable.

Error 27

Two Juices Were Served at the Meal(s)

This error is generated if two juices are served as the fruit/vegetable/juice component at Lunch/Dinner, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02.

Error 28

A Juice was Served at the Given Meal(s)

This error is generated if a juice is served at Lunch or Dinner, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02. This error is also subject to Policy M.03.

Error 29

An "Other" Food was Served in the Given Meal. Verify Nutritional Components

This error generates a warning if a center serves a food described in Other food, such as Other Bread, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02. This error is also subject to Policy M.05b.

Error 33

Snacks Served to 8-11 Month-Old Infants Require Either Juice or Formula/Breast Milk to be Served

This error is generated if a center serves an infant snack without the required components, assuming menu edit checks aren't skipped per Policy M.02.

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