Edit Child Information as a Sponsor

As a sponsor you have access to review and edit child information whether you are updating a guardian email address, adding a new allergy, or updating enrollment information.  Note that at Step 6, these are the same steps a center would follow to edit child information.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Children.
  2. Click Manage Child Information.
  3. In the top right corner, select the Center for the child that needs to be updated.
  4. Use the filters to narrow down your search.
    1. Choose whether this participant is Active, Pending, or Withdrawn.
    2. If you choose Withdrawn, you must enter a date into the After date field.  This is to search for all children withdrawn after the date you select.
  5. Use the Select a Child drop down to choose the child to edit.
  6. From this screen, use the orange Edit buttons to edit the child information.
  7. Click Save.

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