Enroll & Manage Providers


Enroll Providers
When you enroll providers, KidKare walks you through the process of adding a provider step by step. It also checks some of the data you enter to ensure that it is logically correct. For example, it ensures that any start dates you enter come be...
Understand Provider IDs
The Provider ID is the provider's primary identification number for the remainder of their enrollment in your sponsorship. They use this ID when filling out forms. They also use a variation of this ID number to log in to KidKare for online claimin...
Understand Provider Status
A provider may be at any of the following statuses: Wizard Incomplete: You have not finished enrolling the provider. A provider is set to this status when you click Close For Now during the enrollment process. You can have up to nine (9) ...
Send Welcome Messages for KidKare
Sending a Welcome Message As you enroll providers, send them a Welcome Message for KidKare. This message may include the following: A brief, introductory message. A link to allow the provider to log in and reset their password. Get started in...
Manage Provider Information
Once you enroll providers, you can update them at any time in the Provider Information window. From the menu to the left, click the Provider Management.   Select Provider Information . The Provider Information window opens. Choose the Provi...
List Providers
The List Providers window provides a list of all providers in your system that meet the criteria you specify. Note that any provider with a status of Wizard Incomplete does not display in this window, regardless of the filters you set. Fr...
Delete Providers
Wait!  We strongly recommend that you only delete those providers you have enrolled in error. Deleting providers completely erases them (and their data) from your database forever . Note that you cannot delete providers that have recor...
Quick Add Providers
You or your monitors can quickly add a new provider with minimal information from the Observer Mode page.  After the provider is added here, the sponsor must complete the full provider details later.  This can be used to quickly onboard a new prov...