Quick Add a New Provider

You have the ability to do a quick add for new providers from the KidKare Observer Mode screen. Use this feature to quickly create a new account for a provider that is needing access when you may not be able to access MinuteMenuHX. 

The quick add requires minimal information so your provider can get started and you can fill in the provider details later.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Observer Mode.
  2. Select  in the top right corner.
  3. The Add Provider screen opens.
  4. Complete the required fields.  Use the  button if you would like KidKare to generate the Password or Provider ID for you.
  5. Take note of the password so you can send it to the provider.
  6. Click  .

Retrieve Providers Username

Once the new provider has successfully been created, you will want to send them their login credentials.  Use the password you entered when creating the provider account in the steps above.  Use the steps below to get their username.

  1. From the menu to the left, click Observer Mode. 
  2. Select the name of the new provider.  Observer Mode opens.
  3. In the green bar at the top of the screen, you will find the provider username as shown in the image below.
  4. Once you have taken note of the provider username, click Exit Observer Mode on the right side of the green bar.  
  5. Observer Mode closes.

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